Gunderson Experiences

Doing all the things

Bejes, Spain - Let the photos speak

Jun 25, 2023

View out of window. Rosa, our host, es una mujer fabuloso

June 27, 2023

Bejes, Spain - The heart of Picos de Europa. A small community developed in the 1800s for mining purposes. It now serves as a home to simply a few Spaniards, and remains home of the Picon Bejes-Tresviso. This is a blue cheese made only in this region, a mixture of cow and sheep milk. Es que Marviloso! It won 3rd in the world for best cheese 2023 -

The pictures speak for themselves. All of the views are from our casita. We simply would walk to the crag, get lost on the penas, and explore the creek until nightfall. It was a happy place for all of us.

We also enjoyed a water therapy circuit from Balnearo La Hermida. Water therapy is a big thing in Spain, and now I know why! What an essential piece of health.

Every morning we would hear a truck come up the steep road to Bejes - honking! In this case, it was the bread delivery truck. Window baguette delivery - we really need this in Victor - the pressure is on 460 Bread.

We all agreed the locals from Bejes are some of the kindest people. Here is our "vecino". He is 82 years old. He has lived in Bejes his entire life and has 3 kids. His wife has passed but he lives next to his neighbor who is 87 years old. She still walks the 15% grade streets every day. They have lived next to each other their entire lives and continue to sit outside their homes on rock benches, simply enjoying the day.

We found frogs, salamanders, tadpoles, and fishies!

Butterfly or bug?

The Start of tons of climbing photos!

Fisher led quite a few climbs and tested his endurance and mental strength. He crushed both!

One of the many local crags only 100 yard walk

Saraya looking beautiful as always.

So many limestone caves!

Oh just the hike down the street!